MOL Magyar Olaj es Gazipari Nyrt Aktie og aktieanalyse
MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas Public Limited Company is a Hungarian company active in various business sectors. It was founded in 1991 and is headquartered in Budapest. The company is engaged in the exploration, production, refining, and marketing of petroleum products. MOL is also active in the production of plastics, petrochemicals, and fertilizers.
MOL's business model is based on continuous investment in the exploration and production of crude oil and gas. This is intended to strengthen the company's position as a leading energy provider in the Central and Eastern European region. MOL is the largest provider of fuels and petrochemical products in Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, and Slovakia.
The different divisions of MOL are exploration and production, refining and processing, marketing and distribution, petrochemicals, and gas. The exploration and production division is responsible for discovering new sources of raw materials and optimizing the exploitation of existing deposits. Chemical processes are carried out in the refining and processing division to transform crude oil into various refined products. In marketing and distribution, the sale of fuels and petrochemical products, as well as lubricants and other by-products, is coordinated. Petrochemicals are responsible for the production of petrochemicals and plastics. In the gas sector, the storage, transportation, and sale of natural gas and gas products are carried out.
The company offers a wide range of products, including various types of fuels, lubricants, and heating oil. Among the petrochemical products are polypropylene, polyethylene, PET, PTA, and PVC. MOL also operates a retail network, including gas stations, convenience stores, car washes, and tire-changing services.
MOL has a history as a state-owned company that was privatized in the 1990s. The company has expanded its business scope in recent years through various acquisitions and strategic partnerships. MOL takes pride in being an important energy provider in Central and Eastern Europe and focuses on sustainable energy supply. MOL Magyar Olaj es Gazipari Nyrt er et af de mest populære selskaber på